Product Factsheets
Faethm's factsheets can provide you with valuable information regarding the data analysis carried out, the insights generated for our customers, and how those industry insights and scenario models can be used to drive our customers' strategy planning and execution.

Higher Education Fact Sheet
Drive the transformation of your institution to reach a growing lifelong learning market, higher student expectations and industry demand for new and emerging skills with a data-informed curriculum, products and delivery.

Enterprise Platform Fact Sheet
How to prepare every worker, everywhere, for the future of work through the use of Faethm’s AI to make clear predictions on the future impact of emerging technologies.

Workforce Planning Fact Sheet
Faethm understands how important it is for business leaders to ensure that their workforce is able to move with technology. With Faethm data as a guide, you can align your business and technology strategies to your workforce strategy.

Economic Scenario Module Fact Sheet
Take a data-led approach with Faethm AI to understand the potential future scenarios that could develop and make smarter decisions for your industries, workforce and economy.

Future Capabilities Fact Sheet
Future capabilities are the innate human attributes that no robot can replace. Faethm AI can help pinpoint the digital literacies needed to succeed in an increasingly digitised and data-driven workplace helping you and your organisation get ready for the future.